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Home » Chelsea's Blog

Chelsea P90x Workout Reviews: Day 3

Submitted by on Wednesday, 17 June 2009No Comment
Chelsea P90x Workout Reviews: Day 3

Day 3:  Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X

So I had to work today, and I am on my feet a lot at my job. I am SO SORE! It’s actually making me walk weird because I am so tight and stiff. A guy I work with asked me how I hurt myself because he said it looked like I was limping! How embarrassing! And to top it all off my chest and abs are still sore too! But I must soldier on. I keep telling myself that this is the worst I will feel because I can only get in better shape from here on out. Shoulders and arms wasn’t as tough as i thought it was going to be, especially since I am still paying for the first day. Its tiring and I realise that I couldn’t do more than 2 actual pull-ups if my life depended on it. Also, I didn’t know this after the first workout, but there is a short ab routine following the odd day workouts. Holy wash board abs! With in 15 minutes I felt like I had done a thousand sit ups It was intense! For how bad that hurt, my abs better be be so smokin’ they put SI swimsuit cover models to shame!!

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