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Buy P90X

You are probably wondering Where to buy P90x?

The best place to do that is from the manufacturing company, Team Beachbody.  Buying from the Official Beachbody Store gives you the lowest shipping rates, a 90 day satisfaction guaranteed refund policy, and all of the infomercial bonuses you can only get through beachbody.  Click Here To Buy P90x Now from the Official Beachbody Store.

Limited Time Offer: As an added bonus Beachbody is giving away Two FREE workouts with all p90x purchases made directly through a Beachbody coach like myself.  If you order from this site, you will get Tony Horton’s (Creator of P90x) “Fountain Of Youth” which is Tony’s favorite Yoga routine.  You also get “Mammoth UML”, which is Tony’s Ultimate Upper-Middle-Lower workout

Recently, there have been a large number of pirated copies of P90X appearing on the market.  These copies are often sold at a cheaper price, but are lower quality, and are often missing important parts of the p90x package, like the nutrition guide, or the workout sheets.  It can also be a risk sharing your credit card and personal information with someone willing to mass produce and sell counterfeit items.  Many of these items have found their way onto eBay and Amazon.  Always buy through a reputable Beachbody coach, or the infomercial.

The lowest price that you can buy p90x is $119.85.  If the price is below $119.85 it is  guaranteed to be a counterfeit p90x copy.  Be careful, the Official Workout DVDs are not sold on eBay,  Craigslist or any local stores.  Beachbody doesn’t allow their coaches to sell there as well.  Follow these directions to purchase your copy of P90X direct from the official creator and vendor of the DVD, Team Beachbody, including the two free bonus workouts.  This is also the only way to get the unconditional 90 day money back guarantee.

How to buy your official copy of P90X:

Step 1: Chose which Package you would like below:

P90X Peak Results Package: Price: $269.70 (Best Value)

Deluxe Package Includes:
* All 12 P90X DVD’s
* P90x Resistance Bands
* P90X 12 Grip Position Pull-up Bar
* P90x Recovery Drink
* 3-Phase P90X Nutrition Plan
* P90X Fitness Guide and Workout Calendar
* 90 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Standard P90X Package: Price: $119.85 (Cheapest Price Available)

Standard Package Includes:
* All 12 DVD P90X DVD’s
* 3-Phase P90X Nutrition Plan
* P90X Fitness Guide and Workout Calendar
* 90 day Money-Back Guarantee

Step 2: Add the workout DVD to your shopping cart,  at this point you can optionally add any of the other recommend items below.  After you are done shopping click  “Check Out”.

Some other items I recommend when you Order P90X are:

  • P90X Chin-up Bar (This is the only must have to truly get the results you want from P90X)
  • Push Up Stands
  • P90X Protein Bars (Only necessary if you have a hard time getting the needed protein into your diet)
  • P90X Recovery Formula (Tastes great and really works)
  • Shakeology (This is a high quality meal replacement shake, I urge you to watch the Shakeology video by CLICKING HERE)

Step 3: After Clicking “Check Out” you will be directed to create an account. Fill in the form to create your Free Official Team Beachbody Account which will also set you up an official Team Beachbody Coach.

If you purchase p90x and follow the program, you WILL get the results that you desire!  and I will be there to help you with any questions or concerns along the way.  You are only 90 days away from Your beach body. What are you waiting for?  Order P90x Now and get in the best shape of your life.

There are also a couple ways to get P90x fore cheaper.

Beachbody Club Membership costs $2.99 per week. It allows you to save 10% on everything you purchase, and 50% on shipping!  With the Beachbody club you will also get personalized meal plans and recipes.   Sign up for the beachbody club Here.

For the dedicated people, becoming a Beachbody Coach is the best way to save money, because you get 25% off all products, and 50% off shipping.  You pay $39.95 your first month, and then it is $14.95 each month thereafter.    Sign up to be a Coach Here. Or contact me if you have any further questions.


Chelsea’s Review of P90x gave it a 4.5 stars

Rating by admin: 4.5 stars 16 January 2012 ****1/2

Did you know that according to the CDC’s ‘U.S. Obesity Trends’: More than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese, and approximately 17% (or 12.5 million) of children and adolescents aged 2—19 years are obese. Please help share this page below so we can spread proper diet and exercise to reverse these trends!