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Bryan P90x Workout Reviews: Day 36

Submitted by on Monday, 5 April 20103 Comments

Day 36: Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Again I love this workout.  Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Ab Ripper X day hits my favorite areas.  I want bigger and broader shoulders for a more dominant look, I want my front-upper body looking amazing, and I want bigger and stronger triceps because they account for more mass in your arms than biceps do.  I made it all the way through and that is great.  I can tell I am making nice improvements with my abs and shoulders.  Bring on the plyo!  Dont forget to check out more P90x Reviews

Update: I have not gotten to post all of my blogs, but I have posted my 90 day P90x Results Just click that link to check them out.


  • P90xTami said:

    Your on the half way of P90 x. Great to hear those changes on your body withing 36 days. When you reach 90, that’s the time you will say “WOW!”..:)

  • Ricky D said:

    Thats amazing… I’m on my 2nd time doing P90X, gained a alot of weight back since the last time. I was 205lbs and went down to 185lbs… Now I have put myself to a test of gaining as much weight as I can to then loss as much as I gain during the 90 day challenge…. I am at 230lbs, I hit my goal, I have been running but Day 1 of P90X starts Monday… YAY!!!!!!!!

  • Jamie Gaymon@P90X said:

    Bryan, excellent results man! That’s a great point you make about the tricep, most people don’t realize that if you maximize your tricep work, the amount of effort you need to put into your biceps is pretty minimal. Are you still using P90X, or have you moved onto a different workout program?

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