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Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 4

Submitted by on Thursday, 18 June 2009No Comment
Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 4

Day 4: Yoga X

I awoke today excited that I wasn’t going to have a tough P90x workout for today. I was only halfway correct in this assumption. Yoga X was not physically exhausting like I was hoping, however it was still difficult since I had never actually participated in any Yoga workouts. It did not help that I have the flexibility of a 90 year old man. I did think I would need the Yoga blocks when I purchased my equipment and this was a mistake, they would be extremely helpful to me at this point. Luckily I had a couple fairly small cardboard boxes lying around that I was able to use. I would highly recommend purchasing the yoga blocks if you are new to yoga, or have poor flexibility like myself. The soreness in my legs was arguably worse than yesterday but my chest is finally back to 100%. My biceps and shoulders are feeling the burn today though.


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