Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 16

Day 16: Plyometrics
Plyo went fairly well today, although I did get quite mad at Mary Katherine once again when she showed up.  I am also still having a hard time with the jump and spin moves as I get a bit dizzy before the set is over, so I have to stop. However I can tell that I am improving.  I guess its like a figure skater learning to spin you just keep doing it and get dizzy less and less over time.  I am leaving tomorrow morning to go to Texas, and I get to walk around in 4 different airports on the way yippie!…… wait nvm.  The high temp for here is 31 and 36 for Friday and Saturday and in Texas its 72 and 61 so I will gladly take that trade.  Maybe I can do a P90x workout outside?
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