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Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 23

Submitted by on Tuesday, 23 March 20102 Comments
Chris P90x Workout Reviews: Day 23

Day 23: Core Synergistics

I definitely underestimated core synergistics.  I thought since this was the workout in the P90x lean instead of plyometrics it would be similar and easier.  I was both surprised when it was VERY different from plyometrics and when it was actually very tough!  I was sweating more than most other days by the end so it was definitely working.  The plank to chaturanga move was really hard, and both the banana roll and super banana were tough as well.


  • Pete said:

    Hi Chris,

    I do admit that I am breaking a sweat in Core Synergistics (nothing compared to yoga), but I really wish that is focused more on abs. No matter how hard I focus on my core, it is not being workouts out the entire 60 minutes. An hour of pure ab work would be great.

    Anyways, saw the day 22 pictures. Good work and keep it up. I have been looking into creatine lately and you might consider trying it. You don’t have a lot of body fat and it will bulk your muscles up really fast.

  • admin (author) said:

    I have actually been taking creatine, although a fairly small dose, and I never loaded like some websites suggest. I take about 3grams per day whereas most places suggest about 5. Make sure you stay hydrated when taking creatine!

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