Chelsea P90x Workout Reviews: Day 11

Day 11: Yoga X
So I am in Montana for the next few days. Never fear, I will prove to everyone that you can vacation and still stick to P90X! I have also decided that I am going to conquer yoga! I never thought it would be this hard to do some stretches! No wonder Madonna looks so amazing! I decided that I need to get a mat…I’m tired of slipping and watching my life flash before my eyes as my head takes a dive for our entertainment center. The last thing I need is a concussion to go along with my sore muscles.
I went white water rafting today! Boy am I glad I was on the swim team! To tell you the truth after experiencing the 64 degree water with the super fast current combined with class 4 rapids, that of which my guide was knocked out in and I was held under and washed down river 150 yards…I can’t wait to do it again!!
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